Apple is committed to helping developers turn their brightest ideas into apps that change the world. That’s why the App Store helps you from start to finish — to build, test, market, and distribute your products and grow your business. Our marketplace is secure, trusted, and accessible — connecting you to over 1.5 billion devices in 175 regions. The App Store and you. Together every step of the way.
Five platforms.
Infinite possibilities.
Over a decade of trust and success.
A rich experience for each platform.
Curated collections. Created by real people.
Automatic access to new technologies and features.
86% of iPhone devices issued in the last four years run iOS 14 or newer, so more app users can enjoy the latest technologies.
We make it easy to reach over 1.5 billion Apple devices.
Get a jump start on development.
Over 250,000 APIs for virtually any hardware or software task imaginable.
Accessibility is built into our frameworks.
Harness the world’s largest platform for AR.
Build more intelligent experiences with machine learning.
We help you learn, build, troubleshoot, and launch.